Snake is a short psychological thriller brought to you by OxBlood Films. The story follows Anthony Conroy, a young businessman who has suspicions about his wife and closest friend. As Tony develops a deep paranoia, he questions morality and the limitations of his being, with dangerous conclusions.

This film is currently in pre-production. Casting calls can be found at StarNow (Casting no. 480644) and on To apply directly for cast or crew positions email OxBlood Films on the address below; please include a headshot/showreel, contact information and details of your previous experience. Contact us at

Directed by Lauren Bowman. Co-written by Lauren Bowman and Sasha Klein.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

One week on...

Snake has been in pre-production for eight days. It has been an intense eight days! The idea of this project is to take it from conception to release in just three months; I am hoping to see Snake premiering by the end of October, just in time for Halloween. If everything goes the way I hope it will, the premiere will be 2pm at the Phoenix Cinema in London, on the 26th of October, with the after party at the Old White Lion across the road. If being the operative word.

This tight schedule has already caused issues; all of the principal OxBlood team are away at some point during these three months. Still, eight days isn't bad for taking a concept through scripting and drafting, choosing a location, taking preliminary location shots, and beginning the casting process. We've even got a bunch of new kit on its merry way.

I'm hoping to have auditions done within the next two weeks, then costume fitting, and finally arrange shooting around everyone's plans. I reckon the rest of the OXB team are going to have a fit when I explain my ambitious plans. But the director will have what the director wants!

- Lauren B.

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