Snake is a short psychological thriller brought to you by OxBlood Films. The story follows Anthony Conroy, a young businessman who has suspicions about his wife and closest friend. As Tony develops a deep paranoia, he questions morality and the limitations of his being, with dangerous conclusions.

This film is currently in pre-production. Casting calls can be found at StarNow (Casting no. 480644) and on To apply directly for cast or crew positions email OxBlood Films on the address below; please include a headshot/showreel, contact information and details of your previous experience. Contact us at

Directed by Lauren Bowman. Co-written by Lauren Bowman and Sasha Klein.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Cast day out

So about a week ago, we cast for our four main characters: Tony, Claire, James and Louise. Today we met with them for the first time in Soho, London, to sign the legals and talk script and costume, and to do an all important photoshoot for on-screen photographs.

It is safe to say they are all wonderful people and I am very happy to be working with them! I (at least) enjoyed myself and I think our production manager Cat was pleased I managed to hold a conversation without being too awkward.

Like this photo of the cast attempting some star jumps together.

The film has cost a total of just under £300 so far, still inside our planned budget, with just two weeks until we start filming. I'd say that's fabtastic!

Let's hope this glorious weather holds for production!

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

A Wednesday Morning Update

On my "To Do" list that's as long as my arm, I forgot to mention casting, which is well underway now. We've got a pretty good idea of who we'd like to play a couple of our characters; I'm not saying more than that. Video auditions were a good choice because we're scraping at every last penny to get this production moving and additional trips down the motorway to audition in London near the set location are an unwelcome expense. I'd use the format again, for sure.

A lot and not much have happened at the same time since I last wrote. Risk assessment sheets are mocked up, insurance has been checked out (and I'm going with 'unnecessary expense' for the time being), the draft storyboard is almost finished, and the shot list is started. There are some piles of costumes forming. I've discussed on set catering and equipment hire with the necessary people. We've got a reliable AD now, and he's got sound, lighting, and editing guys he's talking to. I'm talking to a DoP - fingers crossed. But there's still so much to do and time is running away with us already. We've planned our shoot dates with a little leeway each side but apart from the nine days we've got available, everyone else is committed to something else on one date or another. Except me, so I'm carrying the weight of a lot of these necessities.

There might be some concept art to show off next week. The rest is classified for now.

That's it, anyway. Just a short update. Until next time!
